Sweet Dreams: Movie Review

What brings joy? Dancing, drumming, ice cream? Yes, yes, yes! Sweet Dreams is the story of a group of women in Rwanda who come together first breaking barriers as drummers, and then in a cooperative where they make and sell ice cream. 

The documentary juxtaposes the personal stories of the women, who have suffered so much as widows, orphans and children of some the murderous perpetrators during the genocide in their country, with the story of their journey forward, trying to find meaning, reconciliation and joy again--all in a country where there is no ice cream. And so the Sweet Dreams are for the future, a future you can actually taste. 

It's impossible not to be moved by these women, and to admire their resilience, creative artistry, hard work and hopes for the future. Can the land of "milk and honey" find redemption? That's the real question because this is not just the story of a group of women, but the story of Rwanda. Their path is not without drama and setbacks, but ultimately it's a story of triumph and an inspiring one that will make you believe in the power of the human spirit.   At 84 minutes it's a tightly edited gripping film and every scene counts. 

Sweet Dreams has frequently been an audience favorite at film festivals. It's opens tonight in the Bay Area, though there are multiple showings, only one per theater will feature the filmmakers and stars of the film. Don't miss it! 

Opera Plaza in San Francisco (shows for one week)
  • Fri 12/6, early eve 7:00 pm show� Q&A with Rob & Lisa Fruchtman and Kiki Katese, founder of Ingoma Nshya with Alexis Miesen of Blue Marble Ice Cream. 
Opera Plaza
601 Van Ness
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 267-4893

  • Sat, 12/7, 1:30 pm show� Q&A with Rob & Lisa Fruchtman and Kiki Katese, founder of Ingoma Nshya PLUS Special live drumming performance by The Ingoma Nshya drummers featured in the film:Ingabire Rose, Mujawayezu Therese, Uwintiji Clementine, Uwamariya Clementine
Clay Theater
2261 Fillmore Street
San Francisco
(415) 561-9921

Shattuck in Berkeley (shows for one week)
  • Sat, 12/7, 7:10 pm� Q&A with Rob & Lisa Fruchtman and Kiki Katese, founder of Ingoma Nshya PLUS Special live drumming performance by The Ingoma Nshya drummers featured in the film: Ingabire Rose, Mujawayezu Therese, Uwintiji Clementine, Uwamariya Clementine
2086 Allston Way
(510) 845-7300

  • Sun, 12/8, 7pm show � Q&A with Rob & Lisa Fruchtman and Kiki Katese, founder of Ingoma Nshya PLUS Special live drumming performance by The Ingoma Nshya drummers featured in the film: Ingabire Rose, Mujawayezu Therese, Uwintiji Clementine, Uwamariya Clementine
Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center
1118 4th Street
San Rafael
(415) 454-1222

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