Why do YOU cook, Kalyn Denny?

Kalyn's Garden

Photo credit: Kalyn Denny

Kalyn Denny of Kalyn's Kitchen is one of the most positive voices in food blogging. She started her blog with a focus on the South Beach diet, but has expanded to encompass all low-glycemic and low carb foods. Her vibrant recipes and photography are a pleasure to behold, but her passion for fresh herbs and for reaching out to food bloggers is what I admire most. This photo from her garden represents so much of what I like about Kalyn, it's home grown, fresh, straightforward yet impressive and utterly inspiring.

"I suppose in the beginning, we all cook so we can eat the food. Over time though, cooking becomes more about creation and self-expression and much less about just getting fed. When you cook a lot and try to do it well, the process of cooking becomes a form of self-nurturing whereby we show love to ourselves and others.

For me, tapping into that feeling is one reason cooking is so enriching. Beyond that, the challenge of cooking as a creative exercise that starts with nothing and ends with a finished product to be savored is something I find exciting, no matter how many times I do it."

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